code of conduct

bachata Journey

be respectful and courteous 

it is ok to say no

safety at all times

maintain proper hygiene

have a positive attitude 

only demos can be recorded

comfortable clothes for class

In order to create a safe, positive, productive, and fun environment for both staff and students of Bachata Journey, the following guidelines should be adhered to at all times, whether it is in the studio for classes, or out at events.

house rules

be respectful and courteous to each other

  • Any form of harrassment (verbal, physical, emotional, or otherwise, will not be tolerated).
  • use of vulgar language or jokes will not be tolerated. 
  • Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

   What is expected from all staff/students:
  • Respect towards each person's culture, gender preferences, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and ideologies.
  • respect towards studio property & others' personal property.
  • respect towards all teachers and students' time. disruptive behavior (including being intoxicated) will result in being asked to leave the class or event.
  • be welcoming, compassionate, and encouraging!
  • leaders and followers must learn to be aware of each partner's comfort level while they are dancing. No unsolicited groping or unwanted contact is allowed once a boundary has been established.
  • Any form of harrassment (verbal, physical, emotional, or otherwise, will not be tolerated).
  • use of vulgar language or jokes will not be tolerated. 
  • Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

      What is expected from all                staff/students:
  • Respect towards each person's culture, gender preferences, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and ideologies.
  • respect towards studio property & others' personal property.
  • respect towards all teachers and students' time. disruptive behavior (including being intoxicated) will result in being asked to leave the class or event.
  • be welcoming, compassionate, and encouraging!
  • leaders and followers must learn to be aware of each partner's comfort level while they are dancing. No unsolicited groping or unwanted contact is allowed once a boundary has been established.

send confidential report

need to report unwanted behavior?

it is ok to say no

  • at bachata journey, everyone's comfort and sense of safety is a main priority. all students/staff understand that saying no to a dance/dance partner is valid and perfectly ok. 
  • Do not take a refusal personally. People have multiple reasons to say no to a dance, including but not limited to: 
                        1. needing a break
                        2. wanting to socialize for a bit
                        3. needing to change or freshen up
                        4. wardrobe malfunction
                        5. simply not feeling a connection with someone                                         (which is perfectly ok! we don't always connect with                                    every person on the dance floor)   
  • our classes, socials, and events are not speed dating opportunities. please do not pressure other dancers to give you personal details or relationship statuses if they choose not to disclose. you will be asked to leave if you persist. 
  • if you feel uncomfortable for any reason, please notify any staff member or instructor and they will take care of it discreetly for you.                                     
  • at bachata journey, everyone's comfort and sense of safety is a main priority. all students/staff understand that saying no to a dance/dance partner is valid and perfectly ok. 
  • Do not take a refusal personally. People have multiple reasons to say no to a dance, including but not limited to
        1. needing a break
        2. wanting to socialize
        3. needing to change or                         freshen up
        4. wardrobe malfunction
        5. simply not feeling a                           connection with someone                 (which is perfectly ok! we                 don't always connect with                 every person on the dance               floor)   
  • our classes, socials, and events are not speed dating opportunities. please do not pressure other dancers to give you personal details or relationship statuses if they choose not to disclose. you will be asked to leave if you persist. 
  • if you feel uncomfortable for any reason, please notify any staff member or instructor and they will take care of it discreetly for you.                                     

send confidential report

need to report unwanted behavior?

safety at all times

  • the safety for all is key.  it is important to listen to the instructors to ensure you have fun, productive classes.
  •  all staff and guest instructors have been trained to ensure the proper execution of techniques and movements to minimize the risk of unintentional injury due to inexperience or impatience. 
leaders: do not use force            to make followers execute            a move. pay attention to                  the correct ways to lead                each step.
          2. followers: do not back                lead! even if you do a move            incorrectly, always always              always react to how you                are being led to avoid                      injury to yourself and your            partner. the instructor                  will  correct as needed.

  • those who refuse to listen to instructions (after several warnings) may be asked to leave at the discretion of the staff. 
  • the safety for all is key.  it is important to listen to the instructors to ensure you have fun, productive classes.
  •  all staff and guest instructors have been trained to ensure the proper execution of techniques and movements to minimize the risk of unintentional injury due to inexperience or impatience. 
              1. leaders: do not use force to make followers execute a                             move. pay attention to the correct ways to lead each step.
              2. followers: do not back lead! even if you do a move                                  incorrectly, always always always react to how you are being                    led to avoid injury to yourself and your partner. the instructor                will correct as needed.
  • those who refuse to listen to instructions (after several warnings) may be asked to leave at the discretion of the staff. 

maintain proper hygiene

  • to ensure comfort for all and focus on the dancing itself, it is important to maintain proper hygiene before and during all classes, socials, and events.
  • this includes but is not limited to:
              1. showering before any classes or events
              2. using deodorant 
              3. wearing clean clothes and shoes (bring an extra set of                          clothes if needed)
              4. gum and/or mints before and during class and events highly                  encouraged. we often dance in a close embrace and this is much                appreciated!
              5. bring a towel and/or fan to cool off between dances. sweaty                  hands may lead to injuries.
              6. stay hydrated! 

  • to ensure comfort for all and focus on the dancing itself, it is important to maintain proper hygiene before and during all classes, socials, and events.
  • this includes but is not limited to:
        1. showering before any                     classes or events
        2. using deodorant 
        3. wearing clean clothes and             shoes (bring an extra set               of clothes if needed)
        4. gum and/or mints before                 and during class and                       events highly encouraged.             we often dance in a close               embrace and this is much                 appreciated!
        5. bring a towel and/or fan               to cool off between                       dances. sweaty hands may               lead to injuries.
              6. stay hydrated! 


have a positive attitude 

  • it is scientific fact that dancing has essential benefits, aside from the obvious physical ones. It helps with mental clarity, lowering stress, improving social skills, and much more! it is so crucial to maintain a positive attitude in class and events. positive hearts learn better!
  • during socials, it is important not to give unsolicited advice, criticism, or negative feedback during dances. unless your partner has specifically asked for help or an opinion on what they can do better, please keep your thoughts to yourself. 
  • beginners are what keep our school, and the dance community, alive. let's help foster their growth by being inclusive and kind during classes, socials, and events. at the end of the day, everyone is trying their best, and everyone was a beginner at some point.
  • focus on encouraging each other!


comfortable clothes for class

  • for bachata journey classes, it is encouraged that comfortable clothing be worn (anything that restricts movement of the arms or legs can get in the way of your lesson).
        1. for followers especially:               avoid wearing clothing                   that gets in the way;                       fidgeting with clothes can             also distract you from the             class.
  • latin dance shoes are highly encouraged for both leaders and followers, but are not mandatory. Any shoes with smoother bottoms that allow you to turn easily are fine. avoid shoes with rubber soles or lots of ridges underneath, as they may cause you to trip on the studio floors. 

  • for bachata journey classes, it is encouraged that comfortable clothing be worn (anything that restricts movement of the arms or legs can get in the way of your lesson).
              1. for followers especially: avoid wearing clothing that gets in                   the way; fidgeting with clothes can also distract you from                         the class.
  • latin dance shoes are highly encouraged for both leaders and followers, but are not mandatory. Any shoes with smoother bottoms that allow you to turn easily are fine. avoid shoes with rubber soles or lots of ridges underneath, as they may cause you to trip on the studio floors. 


only demos can be recorded

  • video/audio recording during weekly classes at the studio, or before any events, is not allowed. at the end of each lesson, a demo is done for the students to record so they can review at home what they learned in class.
  • if you have questions or need extra guidance, the instructors/staff will be more than happy to help you after class to make sure you leave feeling confident in your new skills.



Privacy policy


design by elyana studio



the individual(s) reported in the form may have the following actions brought to their attention:

  1. initial report: a verbal warning and conversation so they are aware of their actions and the consequences should they continue their behavior. 
  2. multiple reports: depending on the severity of their actions, and the frequency of reports, temporary or permanent exclusion from all bachata journey classes and events may occur (at the director's discretion).